IeT 30


Bibliographie Heinz Bechert 17
KAMALESWAR BHATTACHARYA, Once More on a Passage of the Alagaddūpama-sutta 25
JOHANNES BRONKHORST, Nāgārjuna’s Logic 29
JIN-IL CHUNG, Two karmavācanā Texts of the Mūlasarvāstivādins: cīvarādhiṣṭhāna and pātrādhiṣṭhāna 39
J. DUNCAN M. DERRETT, Confession in Early Buddhism 55
SIGLINDE DIETZ, Anmerkungen zum buddhistischen Fastentag 63
HELMUT EIMER, Der Untergang der Stadt Roruka. Eine Episode des Udrāyaṇāvadāna in der Fassung des Be’u bum sṅon po’i ’grel pa71
RONALD E. EMMERICK, From the Mañjuśrīnairātmyāvatārasūtra .81
FUMIO ENOMOTO, Sanskrit Fragments from the *Saṃgītanipāta of the Saṃyuktāgama 91
HARRY FALK, The Preamble at Pāṅgurāriā 107
HERBERT FRANKE, Zu den yüanzeitlichen Drucken des chinesischen buddhistischen Kanons 123
OLIVER FREIBERGER, Anmerkungen zur Begriffsbildung in der Buddhismusforschung 137
TAKAMICHI FUKITA, How Many People Joined the First Sannipāta of Vipaśyin? 153
RICHARD GOMBRICH, The Buddhist Attitude to Thaumaturgy 165
GÜNTER GRÖNBOLD, Blaugekleidet oder Schwarzgekleidet? 185
CLAUS HAEBLER, Pāli Ajapatha — ein alter Handelsweg 195
MICHAEL HAHN, Doctrine and Poetry. Śivasvāmin’s Essentials of Buddhism. Text and Translation of Canto xx of His Kapphiṇābhyudaya207
WILHELM HALBFASS, Arthakriyā und kṣaṇikatva: Einige Beobachtungen 233
MINORU HARA, A Note on the Buddha’s Asceticism. The Liu du ji jing (Six Pāramitā-sūtra) 53 249
PAUL HARRISON, The Ekottarikāgama Translations of An Shigao261
JENS-UWE HARTMANN, Der Praṇāmastava. Ein Buddhastotra aus den Gilgit-Funden 285
TONI HUBER, Colonial Archaeology, International Missionary Buddhism and the First Example of Modem Tibetan Literature 297
UTE HÜSKEN, Saṃghabheda as Depicted in the Vinaya of the Mahāvihāra School 319
HELMUT HUMBACH, Herodots Thamanaioi 333
HAIYAN HU-VON HINÜBER, The 17 Titles of the Vinayavastu in the Mahāvyutpatti. Contributions to Indo-Tibetan Lexicography II 339
J. W. DE JONG, Notes on the Text of Pallavas 1-5 of the Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā 347
DETLEF KANTOWSKY, Buddhisten in Indien heute: Ein Literaturbericht insbesondere über die Neo-Buddhisten 361
KONRAD KLAUS, Einige textkritische und exegetische Bemerkungen zu Śāntidevas Śikṣāsamuccaya (Kapitel XII und XIII) 397
SHOZEN KUMOI, The Concept of Yoga in the Nikāyas 407
SIEGFRIED LIENHARD, Krone und Schirm im Newar-Buddhismus 421
KAZUNOBU MATSUDA, A Vinaya Fragment of the Mūlasarvāstivādin from ‘Bendall’s Puka’ in the National Archives, Kathmandu 431
SENGAKU MAYEDA, Lafcadio Hearn and Buddhism 439
SODÔ MORI, The Vijñānavādin View as Depicted in the Pāli Commentaries with Special Reference to the Nirayapāla-kathā 453
K. R. NORMAN, “Adopting the Domestic Way of Life” 465
GANANATH OBEYESEKERE, Taking the Myth Seriously: The Buddha and the Enlightenment 473
BHIKKHU PĀSĀDIKA, Tib J 380, a Dunhuang Manuscript Fragment of the Sūtrasamuccaya 483
HANS PENTH, An Inscribed Buddha Image in Wat Ket Sī 495
ANNE PETERS, Die Vinaya-Handschrift Ms.or.fol. 502 509
OLE H. PIND, Pāli Miscellany 515
SIMONE-CHRISTIANE RASCHMANN, Somaketus Traum von der goldenen Trommel 537
CHRISTIANE RECK, 84 000 Mädchen in einem manichäischen Text aus Zentralasien? 543
KLAUS RÖHRBORN, Die alttürkische Xuanzang-Vita: Biographie oder Hagiographie? 551
LAMBERT SCHMITHAUSEN, Das Jñānaprasthāna-Fragment SHT III 823 559
GREGORY SCHOPEN, If You Can’t Remember, How to Make It Up: Some Monastic Rules for Redacting Canonical Texts 571
GEORG VON SIMSON, Eine Prātimokṣasūtra-Handschrift in hybrider Sprache 583
PETER SKILLING, Citations from the Scriptures of the “Eighteen Schools” in the Tarkajvālā 605
ROLAND STEINER, Standard Works on Indian Literature — A Critique. With Special Reference to A. K. Warder’s Treatment of Dharmakirti’s Vādanyāya 19.9–17 615
ERNST STEINKELLNER, Kumārila, Īśvarasena, and Dharmakīrti in Dialogue. A New Interpretation of Pramāṇavārttika I 33 625
WERNER SUNDERMANN, Manichaeism Meets Buddhism: The Problem of Buddhist Influence on Manichaeism 647
HIROFUMI TODA, Saddharmapuṇḍarlīka Manuscript Fragments in the Āśā Archives, Kathmandu, Nepal 657
CLAUS VOGEL, On the Date of the Poṣadha Ceremony as Taught by the Mūlasarvāstivādins 673
BANGWEI WANG, Mahāyāna or Hīnayāna: A Reconsideration of the yāna Affiliation of An Shigao and His School 689
RUSSELL WEBB, German Scholarship on South-East Asia: A Bio-bibliographical Survey 699
KLAUS WILLE, Die Fragmente Or. 9610 in der British Library 717
AKIRA YUYAMA, The Uṣṇīṣa-vijayā Dhāraṇī. Transliterated by Tz‘ŭ-hsien 729
PETER ZIEME, Das Pārāyaṇasūtra in der alttürkischen Überlieferung 743