IeT 30
Bibliographie Heinz Bechert | 17 |
KAMALESWAR BHATTACHARYA, Once More on a Passage of the Alagaddūpama-sutta | 25 |
JOHANNES BRONKHORST, Nāgārjuna’s Logic | 29 |
JIN-IL CHUNG, Two karmavācanā Texts of the Mūlasarvāstivādins: cīvarādhiṣṭhāna and pātrādhiṣṭhāna | 39 |
J. DUNCAN M. DERRETT, Confession in Early Buddhism | 55 |
SIGLINDE DIETZ, Anmerkungen zum buddhistischen Fastentag | 63 |
HELMUT EIMER, Der Untergang der Stadt Roruka. Eine Episode des Udrāyaṇāvadāna in der Fassung des Be’u bum sṅon po’i ’grel pa | 71 |
RONALD E. EMMERICK, From the Mañjuśrīnairātmyāvatārasūtra . | 81 |
FUMIO ENOMOTO, Sanskrit Fragments from the *Saṃgītanipāta of the Saṃyuktāgama | 91 |
HARRY FALK, The Preamble at Pāṅgurāriā | 107 |
HERBERT FRANKE, Zu den yüanzeitlichen Drucken des chinesischen buddhistischen Kanons | 123 |
OLIVER FREIBERGER, Anmerkungen zur Begriffsbildung in der Buddhismusforschung | 137 |
TAKAMICHI FUKITA, How Many People Joined the First Sannipāta of Vipaśyin? | 153 |
RICHARD GOMBRICH, The Buddhist Attitude to Thaumaturgy | 165 |
GÜNTER GRÖNBOLD, Blaugekleidet oder Schwarzgekleidet? | 185 |
CLAUS HAEBLER, Pāli Ajapatha — ein alter Handelsweg | 195 |
MICHAEL HAHN, Doctrine and Poetry. Śivasvāmin’s Essentials of Buddhism. Text and Translation of Canto xx of His Kapphiṇābhyudaya | 207 |
WILHELM HALBFASS, Arthakriyā und kṣaṇikatva: Einige Beobachtungen | 233 |
MINORU HARA, A Note on the Buddha’s Asceticism. The Liu du ji jing (Six Pāramitā-sūtra) 53 | 249 |
PAUL HARRISON, The Ekottarikāgama Translations of An Shigao | 261 |
JENS-UWE HARTMANN, Der Praṇāmastava. Ein Buddhastotra aus den Gilgit-Funden | 285 |
TONI HUBER, Colonial Archaeology, International Missionary Buddhism and the First Example of Modem Tibetan Literature | 297 |
UTE HÜSKEN, Saṃghabheda as Depicted in the Vinaya of the Mahāvihāra School | 319 |
HELMUT HUMBACH, Herodots Thamanaioi | 333 |
HAIYAN HU-VON HINÜBER, The 17 Titles of the Vinayavastu in the Mahāvyutpatti. Contributions to Indo-Tibetan Lexicography II | 339 |
J. W. DE JONG, Notes on the Text of Pallavas 1-5 of the Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā | 347 |
DETLEF KANTOWSKY, Buddhisten in Indien heute: Ein Literaturbericht insbesondere über die Neo-Buddhisten | 361 |
KONRAD KLAUS, Einige textkritische und exegetische Bemerkungen zu Śāntidevas Śikṣāsamuccaya (Kapitel XII und XIII) | 397 |
SHOZEN KUMOI, The Concept of Yoga in the Nikāyas | 407 |
SIEGFRIED LIENHARD, Krone und Schirm im Newar-Buddhismus | 421 |
KAZUNOBU MATSUDA, A Vinaya Fragment of the Mūlasarvāstivādin from ‘Bendall’s Puka’ in the National Archives, Kathmandu | 431 |
SENGAKU MAYEDA, Lafcadio Hearn and Buddhism | 439 |
SODÔ MORI, The Vijñānavādin View as Depicted in the Pāli Commentaries with Special Reference to the Nirayapāla-kathā | 453 |
K. R. NORMAN, “Adopting the Domestic Way of Life” | 465 |
GANANATH OBEYESEKERE, Taking the Myth Seriously: The Buddha and the Enlightenment | 473 |
BHIKKHU PĀSĀDIKA, Tib J 380, a Dunhuang Manuscript Fragment of the Sūtrasamuccaya | 483 |
HANS PENTH, An Inscribed Buddha Image in Wat Ket Sī | 495 |
ANNE PETERS, Die Vinaya-Handschrift Ms.or.fol. 502 | 509 |
OLE H. PIND, Pāli Miscellany | 515 |
SIMONE-CHRISTIANE RASCHMANN, Somaketus Traum von der goldenen Trommel | 537 |
CHRISTIANE RECK, 84 000 Mädchen in einem manichäischen Text aus Zentralasien? | 543 |
KLAUS RÖHRBORN, Die alttürkische Xuanzang-Vita: Biographie oder Hagiographie? | 551 |
LAMBERT SCHMITHAUSEN, Das Jñānaprasthāna-Fragment SHT III 823 | 559 |
GREGORY SCHOPEN, If You Can’t Remember, How to Make It Up: Some Monastic Rules for Redacting Canonical Texts | 571 |
GEORG VON SIMSON, Eine Prātimokṣasūtra-Handschrift in hybrider Sprache | 583 |
PETER SKILLING, Citations from the Scriptures of the “Eighteen Schools” in the Tarkajvālā | 605 |
ROLAND STEINER, Standard Works on Indian Literature — A Critique. With Special Reference to A. K. Warder’s Treatment of Dharmakirti’s Vādanyāya 19.9–17 | 615 |
ERNST STEINKELLNER, Kumārila, Īśvarasena, and Dharmakīrti in Dialogue. A New Interpretation of Pramāṇavārttika I 33 | 625 |
WERNER SUNDERMANN, Manichaeism Meets Buddhism: The Problem of Buddhist Influence on Manichaeism | 647 |
HIROFUMI TODA, Saddharmapuṇḍarlīka Manuscript Fragments in the Āśā Archives, Kathmandu, Nepal | 657 |
CLAUS VOGEL, On the Date of the Poṣadha Ceremony as Taught by the Mūlasarvāstivādins | 673 |
BANGWEI WANG, Mahāyāna or Hīnayāna: A Reconsideration of the yāna Affiliation of An Shigao and His School | 689 |
RUSSELL WEBB, German Scholarship on South-East Asia: A Bio-bibliographical Survey | 699 |
KLAUS WILLE, Die Fragmente Or. 9610 in der British Library | 717 |
AKIRA YUYAMA, The Uṣṇīṣa-vijayā Dhāraṇī. Transliterated by Tz‘ŭ-hsien | 729 |
PETER ZIEME, Das Pārāyaṇasūtra in der alttürkischen Überlieferung | 743 |